
by OGmods
12.10.60-3.5U - May 12, 2017

Seamlessly download YouTube videos with ease

Screenshots of OGYouTube

About OGYouTube

OGYouTube: The Ultimate YouTube Client for Android

In a world dominated by video content, having the ability to download videos directly to your Android device is a game-changer. That's where OGYouTube comes in. This unique YouTube client offers a plethora of features, but its standout feature is undoubtedly the ability to download any video from YouTube and store it directly in your device's memory.

One of the best things about OGYouTube is its versatility. You can choose from various available resolutions, ensuring that you get the video quality that suits your needs. What's more, you can even download videos in MP3 format, perfect for those times when you want to enjoy the audio without the visuals.

When it comes to functionality, OGYouTube mirrors the official YouTube client. In fact, it is an older version of the official client with a single, but significant, distinction: a download button placed conveniently below each video. With just a simple tap on this button, you can select your desired video format and quality, and watch it offline at your convenience.

While OGYouTube allows you to enjoy all the features of the official client, there's one crucial precaution you must take. It is of utmost importance not to log in with your YouTube account on OGYouTube. Failure to heed this warning will result in the inability to download videos. Thus, it's imperative to refrain from logging in, preserving the seamless downloading experience OGYouTube offers.

In the realm of YouTube download clients for Android, OGYouTube stands head and shoulders above the rest. While there are other commendable options available, none can match the exceptional usability and interface of OGYouTube, which closely resembles the official YouTube app. With its intuitive design, OGYouTube provides the ultimate alternative for video enthusiasts who want to download their favorite content hassle-free.

In conclusion, OGYouTube is a remarkable tool that unlocks a world of possibilities for Android users. With its ability to effortlessly download YouTube videos directly to your device's memory, OGYouTube revolutionizes the way we consume online content. So, if you're looking for the best YouTube download client for your Android device, look no further than OGYouTube. It's time to take control of your video library and enjoy your favorite content anytime, anywhere

More Information

  • Package Name


  • Languages

  • Requires Android

    Android 4+ (Jelly Bean SDK 16)

  • Architecture

    armeabi-v7a, x86

  • Permissions

  • Signature
